put the improper fraction in your calculator. find the decimal representation. then you have to go in between numbers on the number line to write your answer. like ifyou have 8 over 5. This is 1.6 Go in between the numbers 1 and 2 and go around 60% between the 1 and 2.
A fraction is a single value. At is neither a graph nor a curve.
A real number
An improper fraction has a numerator (the number above the line) that is larger than the denominator (the number below the line)If you have a whole number and a fraction then it is a matter of multiplying the denominator of the fractional part with the whole number and adding that to the numerator.Example6 3/5= 30/5 + 3/5 = 33/5
Any compound inequality, in one variable, can be graphed on the number line.
It is 1.5 and as an improper fraction it is 3/2
A fraction is a single value. At is neither a graph nor a curve.
A real number
An improper fraction has a numerator (the number above the line) that is larger than the denominator (the number below the line)If you have a whole number and a fraction then it is a matter of multiplying the denominator of the fractional part with the whole number and adding that to the numerator.Example6 3/5= 30/5 + 3/5 = 33/5
Suppose f is a negative fraction. Then |f| is the absolute value of the fraction - the value disregarding the sign. The number is graphed at a distance of |f| to the left of the origin, the zero point.
Irrational numbers can be graphed at a number line, but only as an estimation.
It is a fraction if the number below the line is not zero. If the ABSOLUTE value of the number above the line is smaller than the ABSOLUTE value of the number below the line then it is a proper fraction. Otherwise it is an improper fraction.So, -7 is smaller than 2 but -7/2 is not a proper fraction because the absolute value of -7 (which is 7) is not smaller than the absolute value of 2 (= 2).
It has a numerator at the top It has a denominator at the bottom It has a solidus line that separates the numerator from the denominator It is a rational number It can be a proper fraction It can be an improper fraction It can have an equivalent fraction It can be converted into a percentage It can be converted into a decimal
It could be a line graph, bar graph, or a pictograph.