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Odds deal with sets of numbers. You haven't given a group to work with. For example, the odds of two people having the same birthday approaches certainty with a group of thirty or more, but finding someone with your birthday would require 180, just to give a fifty/fifty chance.

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Q: What are the odds of two couples each with the same set of birthdays?
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Believe it or not it happens very often for example three generations of women in my family have the same birthday i am the third generation I've seen it a lot more too so the odds are high. I agree, I am born on my mother's birthday and in school I had several friends who were also born on their mother's birthdays.

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What are the odds of a child having the same birthday as the father?

Well quite alot of people have their sons birthdays on similar days (1-2 difference) and I wuould say the chances are about 50/50 but that's just my opinion.:)

Odds of Same Birthdays in Familys?

In my family,my dad,myself and my brother all share the same birthday.(9/11/24; 9/11/52; and 9/11/53). Also,my niece was born on 9/11/85.Three generations! Can anyone beat that?

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