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The odds are 1 in 2.

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Q: When flipping two coins at the same time What are the odds that both coins will land on the same side?
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What are the odds for flipping two coins and getting two heads?

1 in 4

What are the odds of flipping a coin and it landing on its side?


What are the odds of flipping a coin and getting heads?

.5 or 1/2

What is the probability of getting three heads if you flip four coins?

75% is not correct. The odds of flipping 4 independent coins is the same as flipping one coin 4 times. The number of outcomes of 4 flips is 2^4 or 16. The number of ways to exactly get 3 Heads is 4 (THHH, HTHH, HHTH, HHHT) so your chance of flipping 3 heas is 4/16 or 25%. If you include the occurance that produced 4 of 4 Heads, then you get 5/16 or 31.25%.

What is the probability that a 41 percent free-throw shooter will miss her next free -throw?

If she is a 41% shooter she will probably score a goal 41 times out of a hundred, but she will probably miss the other 59 times out of a hundred. So the probability that she will miss is 59 out of 100 = 59% = 0.59

Suppose there are 2 dimes and 3 quarters in a bank You shake it so that 2 coins fall out What is the probability that both coins are quarters?

(1/5)*(1/4) = 1/20 the odds of a quarter falling out, multiplied by the odds of a quarter falling out after a single quarter has fallen out

What is the probability of getting 3 heads when flipping a coin?

As a coin has two sides, the odds are always 50-50.

If you flip two coins what are the odds they will both land on heads?

1/4 you see if you flip two coins there's a better chance you'll get a head and a tail then any thing else. 2/4 you'll get a head and a tail, 1/4 you'll get two heads and 1/4 you'll get two tails.

If you flip a coin 100 times and heads show 40 times what are the odds for flipping head?

50/50 50/50? This is equal to 1 which would imply the probability of flipping a head is certain. Obviously not correct as the probability of flipping a head in a fair dice is 1/2 or 0.5

If you tossed 3 coins what are the odds you will get 2 tails?

3 out of 8

Find the odds for getting two tails when two fair coins are flipped?


What is the probability of flipping 25 heads in a row?

The best way to think about this is the following way: What is the probability of flipping heads once? 1/2 What is the probability of flipping heads twice? 1/4 (1/2 * 1/2) Using this we can derive the equation to find the probability of flipping heads any number of times. 1/2n Using this we plug in 25 for n and get 1/225 or as a decimal 2.98023224 x 10-8 or as odds 1:33,554,432