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Q: What are the operating costs of a c-130?
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When other factors are constant what is the effect on profits of an increase in fixed costs Of a decrease in variable costs?

From the perspective of the income statement and profits, there is no difference between bucketing costs in variable or bucketing them in fixed. The operating profit line of the income statement takes both costs into account so that an increase in one with an offsetting decrease in another will have zero impact to profits. Issue related to bucketing of certain items are normally internal discussions for a business and relate to various scorecards or metrics of interdepartmental performance. In most businesses there are separate mgrs and depts responsible for variable cost and fixed costs so the debate over where to bucket certain items is driven by whose scorecard they fall onto and ideally costs should be bucketed internally onto the scorecard of the mgr/dept with the greatest ability to influence those costs.

Which ratio shows an organizations effectiveness in minimizing production costs?

There are two measures of production costs: total costs and marginal costs. The relevant ratio depends on which of these is being minimised.

Fixed costs are costs that?

Fixed costs are costs that donot vary with the quantity of the product produce and have no relation with volume of product like administration staff salary or building rent etc.

What are operating ratios?

Operating ratios are types of ratios that serve as gauges of a company's operating success (or profitability) for a given period of time. They are also known as profitability ratios.

Profits is calculated by subtracting costs from what?

Profit is calculated by subtracting costs from revenue.

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How much does a C130 Hercules cost?

A C-130J costs $62 million.

Are variable costs included in operating costs?

Variable operating costs + fixed operating costs = total operating costs.

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What does the C designation mean in C130 military plane?

Cargo, I think, a C130 is a cargo/transport plane

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The noncrash costs of driving include operating costs, fixed costs, and environmental costs. Operating costs include: gas, oil, and tires. The more you drive, the greater your operating costs. Fixed costs include: the purchas price of the vehicle, insurance, and licensing fees.

What is the difference between an EC130 and a C130?

An EC130 is a C130 but with lots of electronic upgrades, radars, radios, and frequency jammers.

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What are Some sentence for operating costs?

Operating costs must be taken into account when a company's balance sheet is being produced.

Profit is calculated by subtracting costs from?

Profit is calculated by subtracting operating costs from gross revenues.

How much does a C-130 cost?

A C130H costs about 34 million. The latest version, C-130J, costs $66 million. A long version of the J costs just under $100 million. An AC130 will cost upwards of $132 million(H) -> $190 million(U) The replacement of the C130 with the A400M may push prices down, but the C130 is a stable and reliable source so the prices will stay high.

When a business is calculating its operating costs what must it include?

Variable costs.

When a business is calculating its operating costs it must include .?

Variable costs.