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Geometry is a field of mathematics and is neither a science nor an occupation.

Any other field of mathematics can be related to geometry. Trigonometry and algebra are among the most closely related.

Occupations that use geometry include engineering, physics, and astronomy, but many others do as well.

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Q: What are the other sciences or occupations that are related to geometry?
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What is a characteristic of Euclidean geometry?

One main characteristic of non-Euclidean geometry is hyperbolic geometry. The other is elliptic geometry. Non-Euclidean geometry is still closely related to Euclidean geometry.

What is a characteristic of non-euclidean geometry?

One main characteristic of non-Euclidean geometry is hyperbolic geometry. The other is elliptic geometry. Non-Euclidean geometry is still closely related to Euclidean geometry.

Why other sciences related to ecology?

hahahaha. i dont know

Is algebra related to geometry?

Algebra and Geometry are not related to each other directly, however in higher levels of math (Trigonometry and Calculus) you will use both very frequently

Is philosophy is related to other sciences or not?

Yes, philosophy is related to other sciences as it provides a framework for understanding the foundational principles and assumptions that underpin various scientific disciplines. Philosophical inquiries into topics such as ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology can help inform the methodology and approaches used in fields like biology, physics, and psychology.

Why is it related to other social sciences?

Ask the question again to define what IT means.

What career is related to a pediatricians?

Other related occupations are chiropractors, dentists, optometrists, physician assistants, podiatrists, registered nurses, and veterinarians.

Why would occupations related to the sea be plentiful in the Minoan Society?

Occupations related to the sea would be plentiful in Minoan Society because the Minoans will use it to build houses, trade with other countries that are across the sea and use it to water their lands or farms.

What are other sciences that are related to sociology?

Other sciences related to sociology include psychology, anthropology, political science, economics, and demography. These disciplines often overlap with sociology in studying human behavior, social structures, and societal dynamics from different perspectives. They provide additional insights into the complexities of social interactions and institutions.

What math related subjects can you do if you are strong with math?

Other than math subjects, such as geometry, algebra, calculus, etc., math is important in science, especially computer sciences, physics, and engineering. You may also be good at economics, business, and accounting. Music is also math-related, actually, and graphic design can be very math intensive. Architecture is also a good option.

What is the similarities between social studies and social sciences?

Sociology is the study of how humans act towards one another. This is related to other sciences that deal with human behavior, such as psychology.