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Q: What are the positive and negative effects of social network in the process of news writing?
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I think the negative outweigh the positive because there are poorer working conditions, pollution, the breaking up of families and/or communities as well as the loss of family businesses.

What are the positive and negative aspects of process?

Positive is good. Negative is bad.

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The negative effects are that the process of making soap can harm the environment because soap for cleansing are obtained by treating vegetable or animal oils and fats with a strongly alkaline solution that can harm your body AND the environment.

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I think that it is a positive process because it keeps the checks and balances in order.

Are contractions in the uterus a process regulated by negative or positive feedback?

Uterine contractions are one of the few physiologic process regulated by positive feedback.

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Henry fox talbot

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In this case, V would be negative, and work w would be positive.

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The term for this process is "dissociation." In this process, the positive and negative ions of the ionic compound become surrounded by water molecules, allowing them to separate and disperse throughout the solution.

In economics what is the definition of externalities?

Externalities is a result of a certain set of things that happen in our world that impact people in either a positive or a negative way. Such as the pollution that some factories emit during the production process. The pollution emitted is a negative externality that effects the people.

Definition of cultural leveling?

it's a process in which cultures become similar to one another. it usually has negative and positive effects on our society. Food, litestyle, way of thinking and dressing are examples of cultural diffusiion

Is urinating a negative feedback?

Urinating is not an example of negative feedback. Negative feedback is a process that uses the result of a process to regulate the process itself, maintaining homeostasis. Urinating is a normal physiological process to eliminate waste and regulate fluid balance in the body.