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Q: What are the possible outcomes if mutation occurs?
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How can a mutation ouccur?

mutation occurs throughchange in structural chromosomes.change in numerical chromosomes.gene mutation

what type of mutation occurs when a nucleotide is left out?

deletion mutation

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how do we analyze favorable and possible outcomes

A mutation occurs in an eye cell of a fully grown monkey what will most likely happen to the monkey?

This depends on what kind of mutation occurs. You don't say what the mutation/result of the mutation is, so who knows what will happen to the monkey

How many possible outcomes are there when flipping a coin 5 times?

There are 25 = 32 possible outcomes.

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There are 36 possible outcomes.

Is it true that someone can be born with two penises?

Yes it is quite possible as mutation occurs. :) ........ or.......... never mind the second one :S......... :D

How many possible outcomes of tossing three coins?

There are 23 = 8 possible outcomes.

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The possible outcomes of a coin that is flipped are heads or tails.

What is the definition of counting principal?

Counting Principle is used to find the number of possible outcomes. It states that if an event has m possible outcomes and another independent event has n possible outcomes, then there are mn possible outcomes for the two events together.

Which of the following situations is most usual for a dominant allele that results in severe effects in the offspring?

The trait occurs by mutation.

Which type of mutation occurs when one base replaces another base in a DNA condon?

A point mutation occurs when one base replaces another base in a DNA codon. This type of mutation can result in a different amino acid being incorporated into the protein sequence, which may affect the structure and function of the protein. Examples of point mutations include substitutions, insertions, and deletions of a single base pair.