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The primary objectives in research involve the tasks that you must follow to achieve your goals. The secondary objectives involve the tasks that are desirable but not required to achieve your goals.

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Q: What are the primary and secondary objectives of research?
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Why is primary research reliable?

Primary research is considered reliable because it involves collecting firsthand data directly from the source, such as through experiments, surveys, or observations. This reduces the chance of errors or misinterpretations that can occur when using secondary sources. Additionally, primary research allows for greater control over the research process, ensuring that the data collected is specific to the research objectives.

How do you know you have validated a research study based on data gathered from primary and secondary sources?

To validate a research study based on data from primary and secondary sources, you can compare the findings from both sources to check for consistency and coherence. Ensure that the data aligns with the research objectives and hypotheses. Additionally, cross-referencing the data with existing literature or consulting with experts in the field can help validate the study's findings.

What is the difference between primary and secondary research?

primary research is based on primary data while secondary research based on data already collected before by another person. example : many covernments conduct a census ( primary research ) , this information is collated by government statisticians an than become a valuable source of secondary research data for other organisations

Why is secondary research important?

because you can compare your primary research with your secondary research to see if its realible, this is vital for any business.

What is the difference primary and secondary research?

primary research is based on primary data while secondary research based on data already collected before by another person. example : many covernments conduct a census ( primary research ) , this information is collated by government statisticians an than become a valuable source of secondary research data for other organisations

What is the meaning of the words 'primary research'?

The words, primary research, mean collecting the original primary data about a given subject. Secondary research follows primary research by branching out in a different manner.

What does secondary research mean in b and e?

Research prior to the primary research used in the project.

How can primary research be less costly than secondary?
