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what is the similarities between primary and secondary data

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Q: Similarities between primary and secondary research?
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What is the difference between primary and secondary research?

primary research is based on primary data while secondary research based on data already collected before by another person. example : many covernments conduct a census ( primary research ) , this information is collated by government statisticians an than become a valuable source of secondary research data for other organisations

What is the difference between primary data and secondary data Don't make it complicated please?

The difference between primary data and secondary data is that primary data is the information from the original research.

What are the primary and secondary objectives of research?

The primary objectives in research involve the tasks that you must follow to achieve your goals. The secondary objectives involve the tasks that are desirable but not required to achieve your goals.

Why is it necessary to conduct secondary research before primary research?

secondary research is carried out before primary research as it allows you to save maoney as its less time consuming as primary research, also it allows you to know basic information which your looking for such as competitors so you know what not to ask the customers which saves you time and alternatively saves you money.

What are primary and secondary research?

From my understanding, Primary and Secondary research are the difference in conducting the research. In Primary research, there is no data available for the researcher, hence the researcher has to start from scratch. This means that the researcher needs to design questionaires, collect data from respondents and then analyse the result. If you are doing secondary research, the researcher have the necessary data available. These data are made available through other publications or reports, like newspaper or annual reports of companies. If the researcher is doing secondary research, there is no need to start from scratch, he or she uses the data or information done by other organizations or publications. The important thing is that there are advantages and disadvantages for both methods. Primary research is more time consuming and costly. While some secondary research may not suit the researcher's needs.

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What is the difference between primary and secondary research?

primary research is based on primary data while secondary research based on data already collected before by another person. example : many covernments conduct a census ( primary research ) , this information is collated by government statisticians an than become a valuable source of secondary research data for other organisations

What is the difference between primary data and secondary data Don't make it complicated please?

The difference between primary data and secondary data is that primary data is the information from the original research.

Does dissertations utilize primary and secondary research?

Yes dissertations do utilize primary and secondary research.

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The primary curve was formed before birth but the secondary curve was formed after birth. Thats basically the difference between the two. hope that helps

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difference between primary and secondary market

What are the stages of marketing research?

desk research, feild research, primary data, secondary data xx desk research, feild research, primary data, secondary data xx

Similarities of primary and secondary source?

Both primary and secondary sources provide information and evidence for research. However, primary sources are firsthand accounts or original materials, while secondary sources interpret, analyze, or comment on primary sources. Both are important in academic research to support arguments and provide credibility to a research paper.

Differentation between primary info and secondary info?

Primary information is information collected through research that does not already exist (surveys, questionnaires, interviews, observations, etc). Primary information is the product of primary research. Secondary information is information previously gathered and presented in finished terms (not raw data). Secondary information can come from books, scientific journals, dissertations, case studies, etc. It is the product of secondary research.

Why is secondary research important?

because you can compare your primary research with your secondary research to see if its realible, this is vital for any business.

What is the difference primary and secondary research?

primary research is based on primary data while secondary research based on data already collected before by another person. example : many covernments conduct a census ( primary research ) , this information is collated by government statisticians an than become a valuable source of secondary research data for other organisations

What is the difference between primary and secodary research?

Primary research involves collecting data directly from original sources through methods like surveys or experiments, while secondary research involves gathering information from existing sources like books or articles. Primary research is more time-consuming and expensive but offers firsthand insights, while secondary research is quicker and less costly but may not address specific research needs as directly.