

Best Answer

Here are some:

It is an integer.

It is a prime.

It does not have a simple rule for establishing whether or not a number is divisible by it.

It is bigger than 6.9

It is smaller than 8.02

Its reciprocal has a six-digit recurring decimal.

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Q: What are the properties of the number 7?
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Why is Nitrogen element number 7?

Nitrogen is element number 7 because it has 7 protons in its nucleus. The atomic number of an element corresponds to the number of protons in its nucleus, which defines its chemical properties and its position on the periodic table.

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properties that are number

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You can find your properties of windows 7 through control panel

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93 + 68 + 7 is an arithmetic expression. In itself, it has no properties.

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7 Properties include: Hardness, luster, streak, cleavage, density, color, and fracture.

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7 Properties include: Hardness, luster, streak, cleavage, density, color, and fracture.

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yes they are one of the 7 physical properties===========================Would they not be 2 of the 7 ?

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A neutral solution is represented by a pH of 7. This number signifies the balance between acidic and basic properties in the solution, with equal concentrations of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) present.

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Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons, which determines the element's chemical properties. The differing number of neutrons in isotopes does not significantly affect the element's chemical behavior.

What are 3 pysical properties of cobalt?

it is in group 7 it is in period 4 the atomic mass is 59 the atomic number is 27 it is in the metal section of the periodic table

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The phone number of the Historical Properties is: 269-962-5037.

What two properties are the modern periodic table based on?

Properties of elements are periodic function of atomic number. Elements with same chemical properties are grouped together.