PROS: girls and guys would talk to you and won't be sexist CONS: everybody would stare at you and wonder if ur a girl or guy
It's not mathematical formula if that's what you're looking for. There are a lot of things that make a guy ugly. You could make things right up on the spot that would make someone ugly. You're looking for, "What makes a boy 'handsome'?".
hes got a crush on u or hes a stalker
Ah, what a happy little question! It looks like you're trying to complete the name "Family Guy." Remember, it's important to surround yourself with things that make you smile and bring you joy, just like watching a fun show like Family Guy. Keep exploring things that make you happy, my friend.
get more time
they sit on top of eachover and the 3rd guy gives the 1st guy a reach-around and the 2nd guy gives the 3rd guy a blowjob and the 4th guy videos it and puts it on youporn. hope that helped.
Then find out which guy you would like to date by comparing their pros and cons.
Try making a list of the pros and cons of each guy, and use that as a tool to help you decide.
Some cons of the southern colonies was it was uncomfortably hot and humid, there was a lot of slave labor, they all spoke like Larry the Cable Guy, there wasn't much exports other than cotton
No La Roux was not a guy before! However, she considers herself androgynous. She doesn't consider herself male or female.
When you say you love a guy usually if he gives any indication that he is scared he will move his feet his hands play with his ears..he will basically act as if "oh no, i think she wants me to say it back" before you tell a guy you love them you should really make a pro and con chart it really helps. List all the pros of you together and then list all the cons of you being together and if the cons out weigh the pros than you should def wait, just make sure that you both feel the same way.
Pick one. List the pros and cons for each guy according to what you like and dislike, and make a list of important qualities you want in a guy. Include looks, hobbies, personality and maybe even like a social status.
since there are many characters, make a top 3 or 5. then make a pro/con chart of each character. whichever has the most pros or least cons is your favorite..hopefully.
This may sound cheesey, but it works. You can make a PRO and CON list for the 3 guys, cross off the things that are similar, then tally them up. Choose the guy that has the most PROS and the least CONS.
Pros: You're man/woman has a chance to evaluate their feelings towards you, and if its in your favor, then you can be reassured he likes you more than other girls Cons: ruins friendships if you're both chasing one guy (or vise versa), a greater hurt if odds arn'tin your favor because you'll feel that you arn't worth as much as the competition.
Pros- Great form of excercise, athletic, cardio and strength training. It's a fun activity you can do with your friends or a creative way to get from point a to point b. Cons- Can actually be quite dangerous if not done right or from trying to perform or learn the different moves and attempting to jump from high places.
Androgynous appearance aside, Monte (Bryan) is a guy. This is immediately apparent from his speaking voice.
She must have some doubts or concerns and wants to see if the pro's out way the cons. Or she knows she freaks out about little things and wants to remind herself that your a great guy when she sits down and thinks about it. Your girlfriend is just trying to find the good and bad things to make sure she has a better understanding of the relationship.