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x = time, y = magnitude

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Q: What are the quantities on x and y axis in graphical representation of sound wave?
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What is A graphic representation of a frequency distribution constructed by connecting the class midpoints with lines is called a?

It is usually called the axis for the independent variable.

What are you finding when you solve a quadratic equation?

You are finding the roots or solutions. These are the values of the variable such that the quadratic equation is true. In graphical form, they are the values of the x-coordinates where the graph intersects the x-axis.

What is graph and its uses?

The word graph means picture, ie a representation of something. Because this question is being asked in the mathematical category, I will keep my answer pertaining to graphs that depict numeric quantities. There are graphs such as the bar graph, pie graph, line graph which are useful for displaying information such as the distribution of funds in a budget, relative productivity of different shifts, and perhaps some quantity over time. Another kind of graph is the coordinate plane which is somewhat more abstract, but useful nonetheless. I will outline a two-dimensional coordinate plane in this answer. The coordinate plane consists of the space formed by two perpendicular lines commonly labeled the x-axis and y-axis. The x-axis is a horizontal line that goes on forever from negative infinity to positive infinity. Zero is where the x-axis intersects with the y axis

What is shown on the x and y axes of PPF graph?

The production possibility frontier graph shows the various quantities of two products that can be produced. The two products may be shown on either axis.

What type of scores represents a histogram?

A histogram represents the distribution of scores in a dataset by organizing them into equally spaced intervals or bins along the horizontal axis, and displaying the frequency or count of scores within each bin on the vertical axis. The scores on the horizontal axis could be any type of numerical data, such as test scores, heights, or ages.

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What function of kymograph?

(which means 'wave writer') is a device that gives a graphical representation of spatial position over time in which a spatial axis represents time.

What is a goodman diagram?

A Goodman diagram, also known as a Goodman plot, is a graphical representation used in engineering to analyze the effect of fluctuating loads and stresses on a material's fatigue strength. It shows the combined effect of mean stress and alternating stress on the fatigue life of a material. This tool helps engineers determine the safe operating conditions for components subjected to cyclic loading.

What is parks transformation?

it reduces 3 AC quantities to 2 dc quantities rotating at the same speed about a fixed axis.

What is the graphical relationship between a conjugate number and a complex number?

Graphically, the conjugate of a complex number is its reflection on the real axis.

Which of the following statements does not describe the demand curve?

Quantities demanded are listed on the horizontal axis

How can you draw TS diagram and does it help us in fluid dynamics?

A TS (temperature-entropy) diagram is a graphical representation of a thermodynamic cycle. It plots temperature on the vertical axis and entropy on the horizontal axis. In fluid dynamics, a TS diagram can help analyze the energy interactions and efficiency of a system, especially in processes involving heat transfer and work. Understanding the behavior of a fluid on a TS diagram can provide insights into its performance and thermodynamic characteristics.

What physical quantities are measured along the axes of a position-time graph?

The x-axis of a position-time graph typically measures time, while the y-axis measures position or distance. These quantities can be used to determine an object's motion and speed over time.

What units used to count or measure quantities on the number of time zones axis?

The unit used to count or measure quantities on the number of time zones axis is simply "number of time zones." This unit represents the count of distinct time zones around the world.

How are a line plot bar graph and table alike?

Line Plot-A quick, simple way to organize daya along a number line where the X's above a number represent how often each value is mentioned. Bar Graph-A graphical representation of a table of data in which the height of each bar indicates its value. The horizontal axis shows the values and the vertical axis shows the frequency for each of the values on the horizontal axis. Table-A tool for organizing in rows and columns. Alike:: They are all used for collecting and organizing data; and are also helpful to record surveys in.

Characteristics of a population pyramid?

A population pyramid is a graphical representation of a population's age and gender structure. It typically consists of two bar charts, one representing males and the other representing females, with age groups displayed on the horizontal axis and population size on the vertical axis. The shape of the population pyramid can provide insights into the population's dynamics, such as birth rates, life expectancy, and demographic trends.

BF Skinner cumulative recorder?

B.F. Skinner developed the cumulative recorder, a device used to measure and record behavior over time. It tracks and displays each instance of a behavior as a dot on a strip of paper, providing a visual representation of the rate and pattern of behavior. The cumulative recorder was instrumental in Skinner's research on operant conditioning and reinforcement.

What complex number lies below the real axis and to the right of the imaginary axis?

Complex numbers whose polar representation is (r, theta) where 3*pi/2 < theta < 2*pi.