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As the explanatory variable increases, the response variable increases

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Q: What are the rules for a positive correlation?
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A positive value for a correlation indicates?

A positive value for a correlation indicates a positive correlation; e.g. it has a positive slope.

Is certain a negative connotation or positive correlation?

A positive correlation.

What does the sign of the correlation coefficient tell you about the association?

Positive correlation = positive association Negative correlation = negative association

What is the difference between positve and negative correlation?

Positive correlation has a positive slope and negative correlation has a negative slope.

What are three types of correlations?

positive correlation-negative correlation and no correlation

What is a correlation where both sets of data values increase or decrease together?

Positive correlation.Positive correlation.Positive correlation.Positive correlation.

Is 0.5 the strongest correlation coefficient?

No. The strongest correlation coefficient is +1 (positive correlation) and -1 (negative correlation).

What are the trends of a line?

They can be positive correlation, negative correlation or no correlation depending on 'line of best fit'

What is the value of correlation coefficient r for perfect positive correlation?


What is the correlation if x values are equal to the y values?

Positive Correlation

What type of correlation do you have when are is equal to one?

A correlation coefficient of 1 (r=1) is a perfect positive correlation.

How can you tell from a scatter plot wheather two variables have a positive correlation a negative correlation or no correlation?

Positive correlation = the slope of the scattered dots will rise from left to right (positive slope) Negative correlation = the slope of the scattered dots will fall from left to right (negative slope) No correlation = no real visible slope, the dots are too scattered to tell.