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For Baseball and all sports

Simply stated: know the rules, play by the rules; play your best under all circumstances; respect your opponent, don't take unfair advantage of him, or needlessly show him up; honor your teammates and coordinate your play with theirs; don't whine about bad luck or dispute the officiating; be gracious in victory and defeat, be modest about your own achievements and be generous in giving credit to others for theirs.

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Q: What are the rules of sportsmanship?
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What is sportsmanship?

Sportsmanship is how a person behaves while playing a sport. Playing by the rules and not being a sore looser is good sportsmanship.

What is the spirit of olympism?

if you can run, run! If you cant watch from the side

How do you use sportsmanship in a sentence?

"You had very good sportsmanship"" My coach says sportsmanship is an important part of the game."

What is the difference between gamesmanship and sportsmanship?

Sportsmanship is the principle of enjoying a sporting activity with the considerations of respect, fairness and ethical concerns to others.example: At the start of a football match, the two team captains will shake hands indicating that they are going to show good sportsmanship. however, if a player shows poor sportsmanship, such as discriminating another individual, the activity will be spoiled for the other competitors.Gamesmanship is the principle of following a code of conduct within the sport. It is about winning the sport without violating the rules of the sport.

How have the basic rules or guidelines for participating in soccer changed over time?

the basic rules are dont pick up the bal with your hands and no hard physical contact with other players have good sportsmanship and play fair

What is the root word in sportsmanship?

The root word in sportsmanship is "sport."

When was NCAA Sportsmanship Award created?

NCAA Sportsmanship Award was created in 1999.

Why do you need to follow the rules in playing?

It is important that everyone agree on what the rules are. If everyone follows the rules, playing the game is much more enjoyable. Playing a game should be a fun experience. Following the rules keeps the peace and avoids arguments. Following the rules and practicing good manners and sportsmanship will result in a good experience for you and your opponents.

Why do need to follow the rules when playing scrabble?

It is important that everyone agree on what the rules are. If everyone follows the rules, playing the game is much more enjoyable. Playing a game should be a fun experience. Following the rules keeps the peace and avoids arguments. Following the rules and practicing good manners and sportsmanship will result in a good experience for you and your opponents.

Why do you need to follow the rules when playing scrabble?

It is important that everyone agree on what the rules are. If everyone follows the rules, playing the game is much more enjoyable. Playing a game should be a fun experience. Following the rules keeps the peace and avoids arguments. Following the rules and practicing good manners and sportsmanship will result in a good experience for you and your opponents.

Why do you need to follow the rules in playing scrabble?

It is important that everyone agree on what the rules are. If everyone follows the rules, playing the game is much more enjoyable. Playing a game should be a fun experience. Following the rules keeps the peace and avoids arguments. Following the rules and practicing good manners and sportsmanship will result in a good experience for you and your opponents.

What is the result of sportsmanship?

Winning! Everybody who has good sportsmanship will win, whether they get a higher score or not.