scale factor
It is a matter of scale.
scale factor
A set of measurements is taken of a physical object or space, and the measurements uniformly reduced by a large factor, to create a model or chart in a smaller, more usable form. e.g. Scale models of buildings, terrain maps.
The Richter scale is based on measurements of *Amplitude*. (^_^)
whether the measurements are the same or different
It is the scale ratio or scale factor
A grade scale is used in Japan to apply varying levels of measurements to an a person's achievement. Grades in Japan are awarded using numbers, an A grade ranges from 80 -100.
(Mathematics & Measurements / Statistics) a numerical scale by means of which variables, such as levels of the cost of living, can be compared with each other or with some base number
Science measurements use the metric system and the Celsius temperature scale is used for most measurements. The Kelvin scale is also used for measurements approaching absolute zero.
scale factor
it means the map measurements will coordinate with the measurements of the map location.
It is a matter of scale.
scale factor