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Nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio.

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Q: What are the scale or levels of measurements?
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The Richter scale is based on measurements of?

The Richter scale is based on measurements of *Amplitude*. (^_^)

What additional information is obtained from measurements on an interval scale compared to measurements on an ordinal scale?

whether the measurements are the same or different

What gives the ratio that compares measurements of the drawing to the measurements of the real object?

It is the scale ratio or scale factor

For what purpose would a grade scale be used for in Japan?

A grade scale is used in Japan to apply varying levels of measurements to an a person's achievement. Grades in Japan are awarded using numbers, an A grade ranges from 80 -100.

What is the ratio compares the measurements of the drawing or model to the measurements of the real object.?


What is sensitive price index?

(Mathematics & Measurements / Statistics) a numerical scale by means of which variables, such as levels of the cost of living, can be compared with each other or with some base number

Does a scale represents measurements in actual distance?


What type of thermometer is used by a scientist?

Science measurements use the metric system and the Celsius temperature scale is used for most measurements. The Kelvin scale is also used for measurements approaching absolute zero.

What a scale written as a ratio in simplest form without units of measurements?

scale factor

When does it mean when map is drawn to scale?

it means the map measurements will coordinate with the measurements of the map location.

What gives the relationship between the measurements on a drawing or model and the measurements of a real object?

It is a matter of scale.

What is the definition of a scale written as a ratio in the simplest form without units of measurements?

scale factor