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Q: What are the similarities between fraternal twins?
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Who would have the most genetic similarities identical twins or fraternal twins?

Identical twins would have the most genetic similarities, since they share the same original 46 chromosomes.

How do you know if two twins are identical or just fraternal twins that look a lot alike?

The only way to definitively determine if twins are identical or fraternal is through genetic testing. Identical twins share 100% of their DNA, while fraternal twins share about 50% on average, just like regular siblings. Physical similarities alone are not enough to distinguish between the two types of twins.

What is the difference between fraternal twins and twins?

Ferternal twins don't look alike, but twins do

What is the diffence between identical twins and fraternal twins?

Identical twins come from one egg and one sperm. Fraternal twins come from two eggs and two sperm.

What are unidentical twins called?

How do fraternal twins form? Answer one egg from each ovary is fertilized.

What is the difference between a fraternal twins and identical twins?

If two (or more) eggs are fertilised and develop together you will get fraternal twins. Identical twins are the result of a single fertilised egg dividing into two embryos.

What is another name for fraternal twins?

Another name for fraternal twins is dizygotic twins.

Which is more common fraternal twins or identical twins?

Fraternal twins are more popular.

What percentage of twins are fraternal?

There is no precise percentage of fraternal or identical twins but it is estimated that 2/3 of all twins are fraternal where as 1/3 of twins are identical.

What is the name for twins that aren't actually twins?

identical twins are single egg twins. fraternal twins a two egg twins. fraternal

Are fraternal twins never the same sex?

Fraternal twins can be the same sex or opposite sexes. It doesn't matter.

Are fraternal twins each able to have children?

Yes, fraternal twins are perfectly normal.