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Q: What are the simple classifications of a hexagon?
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What are the classifications of polygons?

You might be aware of certain names of special polygons, such as pentagon, hexagon, and octagon. These terms classify a polygon by the number of sides.

What does 10 percent of a hexagon look like?

There is o simple answer. 10% of a hexagon could look like a circle in the hexagon, a square in the haxagon, a similar hexagon with sides which are sqrt(0.1) as long, or lots of other shapes.

Surface area of a hexagon?

There is no simple formula for the surface area of a general hexagon. The simplest solution is to partition it into triangles, calculate their areas and sum the results.

How do you divide a hexagon into equal halves?

In general, there is no simple way of doing so.

How many faces vertices and edges does a hexagon have?

Pretty simple really: Vertices are corners and edges are boundaries so, a hexagon has six of each.

What is the difference of octagon and a heagon?

There isnt such a thing as heagon, so I assume you mean hexagon. So the difference is quite simple and basic: An octagon has 8 sides, while a hexagon has 6.

How would you find the area and perimeter of a hexagon?

There is nothing in the question that allows you to assume that the hexagon is regular and so there is are no simple formulae. You will need to divide up the hexagon into simpler shapes. For example, pick any point inside the hexagon and join it to all the vertices. You will get six triangles. Calculate the area of each triangle and then and these areas together. Similarly, measure each side of the hexagon and add them together to get the perimeter.

Formula for area of a hexagon?

The question does not state that it is a regular hexagon and so you may not assume that it is. Therefore, there is no simple formula because a hexagon can have very many shapes. One method would be to pick a point in the plane of the hexagon and join it to all the vertices. This divides up the hexagon into triangles. Their areas can be calculated using base and height, or three sides, or two sides and included angle - whichever you like. Finally the areas of the triangles must be combined to get the area of the hexagon.

What shape is a convex hexagon?

A convex hexagon is a simple polygon whose interior is a convex set. It is a six-sided polygon, and it has no angles pointing inwards, meaning that no internal angles can be more than 180 degrees.