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learn it urself you pig

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Q: What are the six figure grid reference for the waterfall?
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How do you find the six figure grid reference?

Six figure grid reference can be find by first measuring eastings and than northings.

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Why do you use a six figure grid reference?

We use a six figure grid reference because it is more detailed and it will be better if you want to find the exact position of a place.

What is a six figure grid reference?

A six figure grid reference is a more detailed type of grid reference. Basically you divide the squares into 100 smaller squares then write a three figure easting then a three figure northing all you really have to do is take away the decimal point

What is the six figure grid reference to London?

depends on the map ................

What is the six figure grid reference for Stonehenge?

OS Reference SU 122 422

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What is a six grid references?

A six figure grid reference is a more detailed type of grid reference. Basically you divide the squares into 100 smaller squares then write a three figure easting then a three figure northing all you really have to do is take away the decimal point

What is a 6-figure grid system?

a military reference systemA six figure grid is a map. The map tells reading skills beyond levels.

How do you Change a six figure map reference into 4?

say the grid reference was 038441 the four grid referecne would be 0344 which is taking of the 3rd and last number

What is the Six figure grid reference for york?

um i dont know but i need this for my home work

How do you use a six figure grid reference?

you first ignore the last digit, and do the first 2 digits. then you split the small box into tenths. then do 2 figure grid ref on small box.