We use a six figure grid reference because it is more detailed and it will be better if you want to find the exact position of a place.
I think if it were to be a triangle that it would be six on each
how would you use a hundredths grid to find the product 0.3x0.8 ?
squared grid sheet
Graph it as a fraction
you first ignore the last digit, and do the first 2 digits. then you split the small box into tenths. then do 2 figure grid ref on small box.
The difference is that the 4 figure grid map is used for roughly the place that is located in the map while a 6 figure grid is used to find the exact location on the map. So when there's a need to find the exact location use the 6 figure grid instead of the 4 figure grid map.(:
A four-, six-, or eight-digit military grid reference system (MGRS), (e.g., LB6448).
A four-, six-, or eight-digit military grid reference system (MGRS), (e.g., LB6448).
Maps usually have a grid lines printed on them which are numbered. Normally you would use these numbers as a grid reference to indicate a location
Go to the Ordnance Survey website (UK) and information on using a 6 figure grid reference can be found there. Basically, the UK is covered in 100,000 metre grid squares. Each grid square is identified by two letters. These squares are further divided into 10,000 metre squares that are numbered along the map's borders. An example reference could be: SD 638365 The SD identifies the 100,000 metre square, the 63 is the vertical line to the west of the point. The 8 is the tenths from that line easterly to the point. The 36 is the horizontal line south of the point. The 5 is tenths northerly from the line to the point. (5 would be half way). Instructions on taking grid references are printed on all Ordnance Survey Maps.
To use a toposheet you first need to find the place. Then see the Northings and the distance from the left northing. after that see the eastings and similarly the distance.The eastings are written first and then the northings.this is callled the six-figure grid refrence.
To use a toposheet you first need to find the place. Then see the Northings and the distance from the left northing. after that see the eastings and similarly the distance.The eastings are written first and then the northings.this is callled the six-figure grid refrence.
I think if it were to be a triangle that it would be six on each
What jobs use coordinate grid?
u use grid referncing to see where are things
you just count the grid