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Q: What are the steps of simulating discrete probability diustributions write the general algorithm?
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Related questions

Is the binominal probability discrete or continuous?

The binomial probability distribution is discrete.

What are the Similarities of discrete probability distribution and continuous probability distribution?

They are probability distributions!

What is the algorithm to find discrete log in field of characteristic two?

Coppersmith's discrete logarithm method

When a continuous probability distribution is used to approximate a discrete probability distribution what value is added or subtracted?

Half the discrete unit.

What is The mean of a discrete probability distribution is also called the?

The mean of a discrete probability distribution is also called the Expected Value.

Is the Poisson probability distribution discrete or continuous?

The Poisson distribution is discrete.

Is normal distribution a discrete probability?

No. Normal distribution is a continuous probability.

The binomial and Poisson distributions are examples of discrete probability distributions?

discrete & continuous

What discrete probability distribution can be approximated by a normal dsitribution?

If X has any discrete probability distribution then the sum of a number of observations for X will be normal.

What is discrete probability and what role could it play in your work environment?

Discrete probability is probability in the context of random variables that can only take a discrete number of values. In the work environment there are some events that can have discrete outcomes and others that are continuous. For example, the number of customers in a day (or month) is a discrete variable. The amount that each one spends on your products is discrete. But the time interval between them is not. So the role that any kind of probability could play depends on what you wish to study.

What is a discrete probability and continuous probability?

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What is discrete probability distribution?

It is a function that gives the probabilities associated with the discrete number of values that a random variable can take.