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Q: What are the symbols called that keep you from being possessed?
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Why does the number 7 in Europe have a dash in the middle?

To keep it from being confused with the number 1.

What is the largest math number called?

There is no largest number - they keep on going for ever.

Who were the inventors of the alphabet inventors of the alphabet?

Back in the years BC, the Phoenician traders were some of the busiest people around. These merchants sailed back and forth across the Mediterranean Sea carrying shiploads of cargo. They traded cast-metal objects molded from gold and silver. They traded glass. They traded textiles, especially textiles dyed with their famous purple dye. All of this trading made their businesses prosper. They kept busy and worked hard to keep their businesses growing. Just as with a business today, one thing that may have slowed them down was record keeping. At that time most writing used symbols for words or numbers. Maybe the Phoenicians decided that a writing system with symbols for sounds would be much more efficient than a system with a different symbol for each word. A system with fewer symbols would certainly be quicker to learn and easier to remember. The Phoenicians began using an alphabet that had only 22 symbols, or letters -- one for each consonant sound. Even though the Phoenicians probably built their alphabet on ideas that they had learned from other cultures, they are often called the inventors of the alphabet. The Egyptians, who are best known for their hieroglyphics, had also used symbols that stood for sounds. Other cultures may have used a combination of picture and sound symbols too.

What is the semi circle for on the goaline in soccer for?

It is to keep other players a distance of 10 yards away when a penalty is being taken.

What happens when subtracting a negative number?

One method to subtracting a negative number Is "keep, flip, flip". First you keep the first number being lowered, then you change the subtraction sign to addition. Lastly change the negative number being subtracted to a positive number. Ex. 9-(-5)= 9+5=14

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What is the word for Hinduisms symbols?

keep up(keep on)

What are ideographic symbols?

looking for the answer also , keep trying

Is being called engaging a compliment to a women?

yes being engaging means that you have the ability to keep his attention whether it be your looks or your personality

What is marches imposed upon prisoners by the Nazis to keep them from being liberated?

they were called 'Death Marches'.

How did Sumerians use their writing system?

They needed to keep of goods they traded.They also wanted to label goods.

How do you symbols on the computer that aren't on a key?

If you're talking about in Microsoft word, you go to: the insert tab, and in the symbols field you click on symbol Then just search around for whatever you're looing for. Keep in mind that specialty symbols such as the copyright, registered, or trademark symbols are under the 'special characters' tab in the symbols window.

Will a broke power steering pump keep your car from functioning?

It can keep it from being drivable.It can keep it from being drivable.

What is it called when you keep two words together as one unit so that Microsoft Word does not split them at the end of a line?

It is called non breaking space.You can insert it either using Symbols (Insert - Symbol) or use shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+Space

Why would a husband keep talking to an xwife when their children are grown?

It is called being mature, adult and well mannered.

What is the ability to keep objects in the environment steady called?

That ability is called stability. It refers to the state of being firmly fixed in place and not easily moved or disturbed.

How many symbols did you need to know to read and write in ancient china?

No Chinese person even knows all the symbols or characters. So know as many as you do and keep on learning.

What was Aztecs language?

The language the Aztecs spoke was called N'ahuatl. Pictures called glyphs were developed which they used as a sort of alphabet, like the more present day Egyptians did. There were hundreds of symbols to use in their vocabulary. They were joined together to write sentences, stories and keep records.