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Q: What do you call the variables you keep the same?
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What is the scientific word for what you keep the same?

The control variables.

How do you describe variables in an experiment operationally?

Variables work by telling you what you need to change, what to observe, and what to keep the same in a experiment.

Why do you need to keep variables the same?

In programming, variables change all the time. In scientific testing you control variables to determine what other changes occur.

What is the constant variable in investigation of fungi growth mold?

The constant variable in investigating fungi growth mold could be the temperature, humidity level, or type of substrate being used for growth. This variable remains unchanged throughout the experiment to ensure that any observed differences in growth can be attributed to the independent variable being tested.

How do you use variable in an addition or subtraction?

well, if you want to add apples to bananas you can't do that it's the same with variables, the coefficients can be different but to add and subtract the variables have to be the same for ex: you can't do 4x+3y because they have different variables you can do 4x+3x because they have the same variables all you do is add the coefficients and keep the variable so you would get 7x

What do you call the variable that must remain the same between two groups?

The variables that must remain the same between the control group and experimental group is are called controlled variables, and include everything except the experimental variable.

When an equation has two variables there is a number of values that the two variables could have?

If an equation has two variables, we'll call them (x,y), the variables can be any value as long as both sides of the equation have the same result. If the equation was x = y, then the variables could be (1,1), (2,2), (3,3),etc...

If you were doing an experiment to determine the effects of x ray on seed germination what variables woild you need to keep the same for all test groups?

If you were doing an experiment to determine the effects of x ray on seed germination what variables woild you need to keep the same for all test groups?

What is a cotrolled experiment?

It means that except for the independent variable (the only factor that you change) you remain the other variables constant. To keep the control variables the same. Then this is a controlled experiment (fair test). Hope this helps :)

Is scientists keep all variables constant true or false?

independent variable

What do you call variables in a experiment that you can change?

The definition of a variable is to change or changeable. All variables hold this quality.

What does Variables mean for a science project?

A variable means that something that you can change, measure, or keep the same. Example: Responding variable: The variable you can measure. Controlled variable: The variable you keep the same. Manipulated variable: The variable that you change.