Using the digits of 1345678, there are 210 three digit numbers in which no digit is repeated.
321 312 213 231 123 132 6 3 digit numbers.
There are 5 numbers which can make the 3 digit numbers in this example. Therefore each digit in the 3 digit number has 5 choices of which number can be placed there. Therefore number of 3 digit numbers = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125
106------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Rafaelrz.You can make, 4P3 = 4!/(4-3)! = 24, different 3 digit numbers using 1, 2, 3 and 4.
There are 27 of them.
321 312 213 231 123 132 6 3 digit numbers.
You can make 4*3*2/2 = 12 numbers.
If you can repeat a digit, there are 27. If you can't repeat a digit, there are only 6.
81 As there are no limits stated then you can have a number comprising a repeated single digit (such as 2222), two pairs of numbers (e.g. 2244) or three different numbers (such as 2462). The first digit can be one of any of the 3 numbers. The second digit can be one of any of the three numbers, as can the third digit and also the fourth. Then you can have 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 81 different 4-digit numbers using the three given numbers.
By using the 3 digits of a number we can form 3 different two digit numbers. 3C2 = 3!/[(3 - 2)!2!] = 3!/(1!2!) = (3 x 2!)/2! = 3
There are 4 possible numbers if the digits are not repeated; 18 if they are. Those are 3-digit numbers, assuming that zero would not be a leading digit. If zero is allowed for a leading digit, then you can have 6 for the non repeated, and 27 if repetition.
If you want 4-digit numbers, there are 24 of them.