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point, line,

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Q: What are the three basic element of geometry?
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Can rules of two dimensional geometry can be applied to three dimensional solids?

No. The rules of two dimensional geometry can only be used for two dimensional geometry. You can take the basic principles of two dimensional geometry and alter them slightly to be able to apply to three dimensional solids

The three basic building blocks of geometry are pointline and plane?

It's dimension, points, and space.

Can you move from basic algebra to geometry?

Yes, you can move from basic Algebra to Geometry, but only upon recommendation from your teacher.

Who developed basic geometry?


How do you perform a basic construction for geometry?

The answer depends on what the requirements for the basic construction are.

What are the basic terms or undefined terms in geometry?

The three undefined terms in geometry are:POINTLINEPLANEUNDEFINED means like it hasn't been found or an object of some sort that it doesnt know what it means

What is a basic design element in a tessellation?

The work "tessellation" is derived from a tessella, a small cuboid clay tile which was used to make mosaics. In the context of tessellation, as the term is used in modern geometry, the basic element is a plane shape such that multiple copies of the shape will cover a plane without gaps or overlaps.

Who figured out he basic laws of geometry?

Geometry, unlike science, doesn't really have laws, it has theorems, and many different mathematicians contributed to the creation of the basic theorems of geometry. Perhaps the best known is Pythagoras.

What is the point of a triangle called?

A triangle is a polygon and one of the basic shapes in geometry with three edges and three vertices. The points of edges of a triangle are known as angles, corners or vertices.

Different types of geometry?

Euclidean geometry, non euclidean geometry. Plane geometry. Three dimensional geometry to name but a few

How is the cell defined?

A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms. It is the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently, carrying out the essential processes needed for an organism to function. Cells contain genetic material, organelles, and other structures that allow them to perform specific functions within an organism.

What Basic concepts or undefying in geometry?

undefying end!