This function can be broken up into four elements as follows:
=SERIES([Series Name],[X Values],[Y Values],[Plot Order])
Data series usually refer to groups of data that are on Excel charts.
It would be a group of cells in Excel that have values in them. These can then be identified for use in creating charts in Excel. Different charts need data series for them to show.
Use =PERCENTILE(range,0.85) where range is the data that you want to analyse.
Surface Chart
If you want a single best fit to all the data you collected, what difference does it make whether you collected them all at the same time or in two different runs ? Why not just merge the two data series, and call them a single data set.
The name of the series, the values in the series and the category labels.
Data series usually refer to groups of data that are on Excel charts.
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It would be a group of cells in Excel that have values in them. These can then be identified for use in creating charts in Excel. Different charts need data series for them to show.
contains graphical representation of values in data series
Left, centred and right.
Use =PERCENTILE(range,0.85) where range is the data that you want to analyse.
different type of chart
A pie chart can only have one data series in it. They show how the components make up one unit. The series can have many values in it, but it can only be one series.
If the data in a series, which is taken from the worksheet, changes in any way, then the chart will automatically reflect those changes.