A fraction is close to zero if the numerator is small or if the denominator is large, or both.
Decimal:0 Fraction:0
Of course 0 is not a fraction, when it is over 0 it is a whole number.
It is a rational number. It is greater than 0. It is less than 1.
A fraction is close to zero if the numerator is small or if the denominator is large, or both.
0 _ .o3
There are infinitely many fractions. Some examples are0.00000000000000010.0000000000000001000010.0000000000000001000020.0000000000003
Any fraction with denominator zero (0) such as 3/0 is not rational as a set of three cannot be distributed to 0.
0% as a fraction = 0/1
Decimal:0 Fraction:0
Three-fifths is a fraction and there is no sensible way to represent it as a whole number. The whole part of it is 0.
If the numerator is 0, the fraction equals 0.
Of course 0 is not a fraction, when it is over 0 it is a whole number.
0 times ANYTHING is 0!
3 equivalent fraction for 0 = 0/1, 0/2, 0/3,...