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Q: What are the three kinds of leadership needs faced by all problem solving small groups?
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Which was not a problem the confederacy faced during the war?

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They were unable to defend themselves against stronger groups.

What is one problem the city states of sumer faced by remaining independent?

They were unable to defend themselves against stronger groups.

Many individuals with addictions are to initiate new problem solving skill when faced with the ongoing challenges of life?

It is common for individuals with addictions to struggle with problem-solving skills due to the impact of the addiction on their cognitive functioning and decision-making abilities. Therapy and counseling can help individuals develop new coping strategies and problem-solving skills to navigate challenges in a healthier way. Building a strong support network and engaging in activities that promote self-care and stress management can also aid in improving problem-solving skills and reducing reliance on addictive behaviors.

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One problem Ford faced was the capture of an American ship by Cambodians.

What was the north's weakness of the Civil War?

The lack of strong and efficient leadership was one glaring problem the north faced in the Civil War. With the most effective leaders departing to their home states in the South.

Which was a problem faced by the ford administration?

One problem not faced by the Ford Administration was the missile crisis.