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They are nominal, ordinal and interval.

  • Nominal data are categories with no natural ordering: eg colour of your car, or your favourite piece of music.
  • Ordinal data, as the name suggests, can be ordered but the differences between the categories need not be the same. For example, strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree.
  • Interval data are those where a numerical value can be assigned to the data.
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Q: What are the three types of data in statistics?
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Quantitative data.

What are the two types of statistics?

two types is: 1. Descriptive statistics. 2. Inferential statistics.

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Descriptive statistics is a summary of data. Inferential statistics try to reach conclusion that extend beyond the immediate data alone.

Why it is said all statistics are data but all data are not statistics?

All statistics are data because all statistics are formed of numbers and numbers are a type of data (numrical). But not all data is statistics because not all data is numbers, it can also be words, pictures etc. It's like saying all apples are fruit but all fruit are not apples.