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Q: What are the tools used in your daily life?
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What tools are commonly used to study daily life?

Tools commonly used to study daily life include surveys, interviews, diaries, observations, and wearable technology like activity trackers. These tools help researchers gather information about people's behaviors, routines, habits, and activities in their everyday lives.

What are the tools commonly used to study daily life?

prayer and faith determination and courage...

Which are tools commonly used to study daily life?

Anthropologists often use tools such as participant observation, interviews, surveys, and personal diaries to study daily life. Additionally, video recording, photography, and social media analysis are becoming increasingly popular methods to capture and analyze daily practices and routines.

What kind of tools do tiguas use?

The tools used by the Tiguas, a Native American tribe, are reflective of their traditional way of life. Some tools commonly used by the Tiguas include hunting weapons like bows and arrows, grinding tools for processing food, weaving implements for making baskets and blankets, and gardening tools for cultivating crops. These tools are essential for their daily activities and cultural practices.

How is petrol used in your daily life?

how is petrol used in our everday life

What did the maidu coast Indians use for tools?

The Maidu used several types of tools in their daily lives. They used an acorn grinder, mahogany knives, bow and arrows, and stone tools.

What mineral was used by the Native Americans?

Native Americans used a variety of minerals in their daily life, including flint, obsidian, copper, and turquoise. These minerals were used for making tools, jewelry, weapons, and decorative items.

How is scientific notation used in daily life?

It usually isn't. Scientific notation is used for very large and very small numbers, that are not normally used in your daily life. Unless your "daily life" involves work in science or engineering.

How is the golden ratio used in your daily life?

I use the Golden Ratio in my daily life to design websites.

How are decimals part of your daily life?

decimals are a part of our daily life because they are used to separate dollars from cents.

How is zinc used in daily life?


How is neon used in daily life?

These nuts