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grouper swordfish sea bass tuna dolphin (fish) cod Additional Info: Listed on the NMFS Endangered Species List, a group of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Atlantic Salmon, Chinook Salmon (9 listed ), Chum Salmon (2 listed), Coho Salmon (4 listed), Green Sturgeon (southern), Gulf Sturgeon, Shortnose sturgeon, Sockeye Salmon (2 listed), Smalltooth Sawfish, Steelhead Trout, (11 Listed), Totoaba. The extra listed beside each name is for the specific names of each different species. The dolphin fish, also known as mahi mahi, dorado,or other local names, is not an endangered species. They are a common sport and food fish found in all temperate seas and the tropics.

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Q: What are the top ten endangered fish in the US?
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