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Q: What are the two distinct groups that report to the CFO?
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What are the two distinct groups that report to the chief financial officer?

Treasurer and Controller

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No. Persians and Turks are two distinct groups.

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Males and females! In short, everybody.

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The two bacterial domains are Bacteria and Archaea. These domains represent the two main groups of prokaryotic organisms, which are distinct from eukaryotes.

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In that case, there is a tendency for speciation - meaning that the two groups will eventually split into separate species.

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Since 121 is the square of a prime, there are only two distinct isomorphic groups.

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Apples and oranges. The US Army Rangers and Marine Corps Recon are two very distinct groups with very distinct missions. They cannot be equally compared.

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The process of changes in culture that result from meeting of two groups, each of which retains distinct cultural features 

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No. Two distinct points define a single line.

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Intra means of or relating to the same group... Inter means between at least two distinct groups...