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Q: What are the two formulas which involve pi?
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Related questions

Why don't the formulas on this page involve pi?

the other formulas involve non-circular shapes

Why don't the other formulas on this page involve pi?

the other formulas involve non-circular shapes

Why are there two formulas to calculate the circumference of a circle?

They are: 2*pi*radius or as diameter*pi

What are the two formulas for circumference?

C= 2 times pi and C= pi times diameter C= 2 times pi and C= pi times diameter

What are the two formulas pertaining to circles that pi is used in?

Angular measure of a circle: 2*pi radians. Circumference of a circle with diameter d units: d*pi units

Are there many formulas to calculate pi?

Pi = circumference/diameter

Is pi in formulas?

Yes. Some examples of formulas that contain pi (∏) are: (area of a circle) = ∏r2 (Circumfrance of a circle) = ∏d

What are two possible formulas for finding the circumference of a circle?

Circumference = pi x the diameter / pi x twice the radius / pi x square root of "area divided by pi". C = (pi) D C = 2 (pi) r C = 2 (pi) * [sq rt (A/pi)] r = radius D = diameter pi = 22/7 or 3.14

What can you use pi for?

Formulas relating to circles

Where is pi celebrated?

All around the world, because pi is used in many formulas.

Was pi used in Einsteins formula of relativity?

No. Energy, mass and light-speed, none of which involve pi.

What are three formulas that use pi?
