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Q: What are the two items are being compared in the phrases?
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Is sun a simile?

nope In order to be a simile, you must have two items being compared using the words "like" or "as". "Sun" is not being compared to anything in your example.

What does a Venn Diagram show when used to compare items?

When a Venn Diagram is used to compare items, the overlapping area in the diagram shows the common items between the two items being compared. The area outside the overlap shows the contrast between the two items.

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"Different" is used when two or more items being compared are dissimilar. "Difference" is used to describe the dissimilarities.

Which describes the men being caught by scylla explain what two items are being compared . What does the comparison help to emphasize?

In this metaphor, the men being caught by Scylla are compared to fish being caught by a fisherman. This comparison helps to emphasize the helplessness and vulnerability of the men in the face of Scylla's attacks, highlighting the swift and lethal nature of her strikes.

3 times you should use a semicolon?

To separate closely related independent clauses that are not joined by a conjunction. To separate items in a list when the items themselves contain commas. To clarify a complex series of items or phrases where commas are already being used.

Can a sentence have two prepositional phrases?

Yes, a sentence can have two or more prepositional phrases. Prepositional phrases provide information about the relationship between other words in a sentence and often begin with a preposition followed by a noun or pronoun. Multiple prepositional phrases can add detail and clarity to a sentence.

What ia an anology?

An analogy is when two things are being compared or have similarities.

What sentences does not use a correlative conjunction properly?

"Either I will go to the store or she will." This sentence does not use a correlative conjunction properly as "either...or" should be followed by two items that are being contrasted or compared, not two actions. Instead, it should be something like "Either I will go to the store or she will."

What two things are being compared in the giver?

In "The Giver," the two things being compared are the community's strict conformity and control over individuality, compared to the freedom and emotions that come with embracing individual choice and experience. The novel explores the consequences of sacrificing personal autonomy for societal harmony.

What is a comparative questions?

A comparative question is a type of question that compares two or more things, concepts, or ideas. It typically asks about the similarities and differences between the items being compared to analyze and understand their distinctions.

What is a Object of a metaphor speech?

In a metaphor, the object is the thing being compared to the subject. It helps create a vivid image or comparison in the reader's or listener's mind. For example, in the metaphor "Her eyes were stars," "eyes" is the object being compared to "stars."

What does balanced phrases mean in classical music?

When a sentence consists of two phrases that have the same length, they are called balanced phrases. Hope this helpful :)