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When a Venn Diagram is used to compare items, the overlapping area in the diagram shows the common items between the two items being compared. The area outside the overlap shows the contrast between the two items.

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Q: What does a Venn Diagram show when used to compare items?
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What is the use of venn diagram?

It is a useful tool to compare two or three items and to show in a diagram form the likes and differences of those items. I had my students make them all the time for history and reading assignments. Then, take the info in the diagram and write a summary paragraph .

Is a diagram and a venndiagram the same thing?

a Venn diagram consists of two overlapping circles, and is generally used as a compare and contrast diagram. a diagram in general is just a way to show information. in short, they are not the same thing, a venn diagram is a type of diagram.

Which type of graphic organizer makes it easy to compare and contrast?

A Venn diagram is a type of graphic organizer that makes it easy to compare and contrast. It consists of overlapping circles that show the similarities and differences between two or more items or ideas.

When should a Venn diagram be used as opposed to a Carroll diagram?

Venn diagrams are used to show what two given items have in common. Carroll diagrams are used to group things without overlaps in a yes/no fashion.

What diagram has loops to show how things are related?

Venn Diagram

A diagram which uses overlapping circles to show the relationship among members of various sets?

venn diagram

What diagram is used to show the reletionship between two sets or groups?

Venn diagram

Show you a picture of a venn diagram?

No thank you. I have seen very many of them.

What is a Diagram that uses overlapping circles to show the relationships among members of various sets?

Venn diagram

Draw a venn diagram to show the common factors of 36 and 54?

U draw

What is the purepose of an overlapped section on a venn diagram?

To show common numbers between the sets.

Where would you add cloning to the Venn diagram?

Cloning would be added as a distinct circle outside the existing categories in the Venn diagram to represent a separate concept or technology. This circle would not overlap with any of the existing categories to show that cloning is a unique entity on its own.