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quanitative qualitative

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Q: What are the two types of data collected in biology?
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What are the different data types?

Theres two types of data, Continuous and discontinuous data.

What are they two types of data?

Empirical data and Historical data.

What are two types of software?

Applications and data are two types of software.

What is the clear fluid collected from the body?

There are several types and names depending on from where they are collected. Two names are serum or plasma.

Two example of secondary and primary data?

Two examples of primary data are survey responses collected directly from individuals and experiments conducted to gather specific data. Two examples of secondary data are data obtained from government reports and data collected from previous research studies.

What are the 2 types of data allowed in QBASIC?

the two types of data used in Qbasic is numeric data and alpha numeric data.

How can you get mode if you only have two modal classes only?

Then the collected data is bi-modal

What is datatype.Define various types of data types?

In c language data types are used to specify the tye of data.for ex:int a;It means "a" is a variable of type integer.There are two types of data types in c.They areprimary data typessecondary data typesprimary data types are the built in data types and secondary data types are the user defined data for primary data types are int,float,char,long,double..and for secondary are arrays,structures,pointers,unions..

What are the different types of data?

Types of data types :Primitive data typeUser-defined data typeDerived Data typePrimitive data type:int,char,float,double,voidUser-Defined data type:class,enumeration,structure,unionDerived Data type:Arrays,Functions,Pointers.

What are the two types of conversions for user defined data type?

The two types of convertion areImplicitExplicit

What are the lots types of data in MS Excel?

MS Excel uses two types of data: text and numbers.