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dependent variables, independent variable, nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio variable
There are three main kinds:

Nominal: such as colour of eyes, or gender, or species of animal. With nominal variables there is no intrinsic sense in which one category can be said to be "more" than another.

Ordinal: Such as Small/Medium/Large, or

Strongly Disagree/Disagree/Indifferent/Agree/Srongly Agree. The categories can be ordered but the differences between pairs is not comparable. For example, it is not really possible to say that the difference betwen Strongly disagree and disagree is the same as (or double or half or whatever) the difference between indifferent and agree.

Interval: These are variables where the distance between one pair of values (their interval) can be related to the distance between another pair. Such variables can be subdivided into discrete and continuous.

Another way of classifying variables is independent and dependent.

The dependent variable is a random variable but the independent variable can be random or non-random.

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Q: What are the types of variables in statistics?
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two types is: 1. Descriptive statistics. 2. Inferential statistics.

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Independent and dependent are types of variables. These variables are used mostly in science and math. When using independent variables you can control them dependent variables you cannot.

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nominal and ordinal is wrong; those are the two types of qualitative variables. Ratio and interval are the two types of quantitative variables.

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