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Q: What are the uses of dimensions and units?
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The dimensions work out as 7 units and 15 units

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The dimensions can be 4 units by 4 units

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The dimensions are: width of 7 units and length of 35 units!

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if they have same units they must have same dimensions . but thy can have different units even if they have same dimensions i hope it helps :

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The dimensions of the rectangle are 2 units and 15 units

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What are the dimensions of a rectangle that has a perimeter of 56 units and an area of 96 square units

What are the dimensions of 30x46?

Your question contains the answer, 30 units by 46 units.

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5 units x 5 units

Can a quantity have unit and still be diamensionless?

No, a quantity cannot have units and still be dimensionless. The dimensions of a quantity are determined by its units, so if a quantity has units, it has dimensions. Dimensionless quantities are those without any units.

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The dimensions are 4 units by 15 units

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The dimensions are [L^3M^(-1)T^(-2)] and the units are m^3 kg^(-1) s^(-2).

What are he dimensions of a rectangle has perimeter of 56 units and an area of 96 squae units?
