Fractions are very useful in measuring. Example. I buy enough weed killer for 1000 sq. ft. of lawn because the store was out of the bottle for 500 sq. ft. SO...... I only need 1/2 (half) the bottle because I only have 1/2 the yard . Another example. Polls indicate two out of three people in the US will vote for John McCain for president. There are 3 million registered voters. How many votes will he get? And, if 2 out of three will vote for him, how many will Obama get? If 2 out of 3 ....(2/3)... vote for McCain, and there are 3 million voters, 2/3 or 2 million will vote for McCain, leaving one out of three (1/3) for Obama, which is one million.
The answer will depend on which of the many properties of fractions you are referring to.
Dustbin men and toilet cleaners
Fractions or decimal fractions.
A job. Most jobs will use these some time or another.
It just uses fractions instead of whole numbers. For example, if the numberline reaches between 0 and 1, the fraction 1/2 would be in the middle and 1/4 between 1/2 and 0.
The answer will depend on which of the many properties of fractions you are referring to.
use your pattern to write a rule for equivalent fractions
Well I could ask you... is the glass half full, or half empty? This question uses fractions.
yeah. fractions.
Dustbin men and toilet cleaners
Use the GCF when you are simplifying fractions.
Anyone who is trying to add or subtract fractions.
Fractions or decimal fractions.
"I Love Fractions" is a children's book written by Iva Hoth. The book uses a fun and engaging approach to help kids learn about fractions in a creative way.
Engeneers, doctors, things like that.
Fractions can be used to express parts of 1. For example, instead of saying a part of 1, you can be more accurate by saying 1/2.