It just uses fractions instead of whole numbers. For example, if the numberline reaches between 0 and 1, the fraction 1/2 would be in the middle and 1/4 between 1/2 and 0.
fractions are represented in form of decimals
Integers are positive and/or negative numbers. Fractions are not integers because they are not originally positive or negative. However, they can both be put on a number line and be considered an integer. Fractions aren't integers unless put on a number line. Integers don't have to be on a number line to be considered an integer.
by looking at the denominator
Well, isn't that just a delightful question! A number that names parts of a whole, a part of a set, or a location on a number line is called a fraction. Fractions help us understand and work with parts of things, like slices of a pizza or sections of a line. Just remember, there's no mistakes with fractions, only happy little accidents!
All fractions can be labelled on a number line.
Write two fractions that the point on the number line represent
fractions are represented in form of decimals
integers are any number number on a number line and do not have fractions or decimals. They could be any thing from -7 to 3 to 10000000000 or -3475848569. Welcome!
Equivalent fractions.
Integers are positive and/or negative numbers. Fractions are not integers because they are not originally positive or negative. However, they can both be put on a number line and be considered an integer. Fractions aren't integers unless put on a number line. Integers don't have to be on a number line to be considered an integer.
by looking at the denominator
It will be easier to know what to write
As the denominator increases the fraction will be smaller but there is no limit to how tiny that fraction can be. So between any two numbers on the number line, you can have an infinite number of fractions.
convert numbers
i think it goes on forever