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In days before electronic calculators, logarithms were used for carrying out multiplications and divisions. In those days, this was particularly important because all navigation tables, and astronomical data that they were based on, required a lot of complicated calculations.

Nowadays, those functions are easily carried out by computers. However, there are still uses in calculus, statistics, economics. If one variable is related (or correlated) with another according to some power rule, then their logarithms will have a linear relationship. And linear relationship are much easier to estimate and work with. This is particularly relevant in classical physics where the inverse square law is so wide spread. Also in biochemistry where the volume to surface-area of cells is related to the 3/2 power.

A simplistic example from economics: if percentage increase in total productivity is related to the percentage increase in capital, then the relationship between log(productivity) and log(capital) is linear.

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Q: What are the uses of logarithms?
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The base of common logarithms?

The base of common logarithms is ten.

What are the misconception in logarithm topic in mathematics?

The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.

Why were logarithms invented?

Logarithms were invented by John Napier who was a mathematician. He invented other things too, so there was no reason why he couldn't invent the logarithms. Logarithms were invented so people could take short cuts to multiplications! :)

When did John Napier invent logarithms?

In 1614, John Napier published his invention of logarithms.

Are logarithms and anti logarithms same?

No, they are opposites, just like multiplication and division are opposites.

Who was it invented?


What significance and advantage did the invention of logarithm bring to man?

The significance of logarithms to man is: Logarithmic functions are used in many fields mainly based in many courses offered by some schools.Logarithmic functions are usually used by some students who study on engineering and in their lines of interests that tackles about logarithmic problems.Engineers specially uses this during the construction and the measurement of their projects.Without the use of logarithms today,Sciences and other fields that have connection on Science that uses logarithms are meant to be useless where such tool is missing on it. Logarithms greatly affects the school based sciences and even international findings. -more answers on mathwikies. -Professor of Norwalk - La Mirada Unified School District

How are logarithms used in electrical engineering?

Electrical engineers use logarithms to work on signal Decay.

When were logarithms developed?

Michael Stifel published his discovery of logarithms in 1544. John Napier publicly propounded the method of logarithms in 1614. For more details see related link.

Why do pupils have to learn about logarithm so much if it has become almost unnecessary in practice since everybody has and uses modern calculators?

Nobody needs to learn how to use logarithms to perform arithmetic, however, logarithms are still a significant part of mathematical theory, and you can do many other things with them, aside from arithmetic.

When does Exponents used to solve a math problem?

common logarithms, natural logarithms, monatary calculations, etc.

What are in the logarithms table?

The logarithms of numbers from 1 to 10 in small steps, including rules for interpolation. There may also be logarithms of common trigonometric functions such as sine and cosine.The logarithms will often be to base 10 and natural logs (base e). The tables will also contain antilogarithms.