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Q: What are the variables of market environment?
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List Market environment variables?

Refer to Chapter 4 of "STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Southern African concepts and cases" (Page 121) the variables or elements of the market or task environment are: (1) Suppliers, (2) Distributors or intermediares, (3) Customers, and (4) Competitors.

What are the controllable and uncontrollable variables in the marketing environment?

Controllable variables in marketing include price and product. Uncontrollable variables include the target market the company targets in ads during the promotion.

How do you set environment variables?

Which sort of environment varibles? In Windows? Right-click my computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> New... You can creatwe user variables or system variables... cheers

What are environment variables?

Environment variables are a set of dynamic values that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer.

What are the variables to be measured?

Depends what you are measuring. If it is business, the most common measures are financial including sales and profit. To put it in context, it is normally good to analyze the environment including market size, growth trend, share of market.

What is the most common environment variables?


How much control that the marketing manager have over the environment variables?

Marketing mix variables are often controllable, because they can be changed. Marketing manager must develop and control marketing mix, he should collect information about needs and then satisfy people in the target market.

Explain different types of variables in shell?

Environment Variables: Sometimes called special shell variables, keyword variables, predefined shell variables, or standard shell variables, they are used to tailor the operating environment to suit your needs. Examples include PATH, TERM, HOME, and MAIL.User-defined Variables: These are variables that you create yourself.Positional Parameters: These are used by the shell to store the values of command-line arguments

Discuss the segmentation variables you will consider to segment the market for a 150 cc premium motorcycle?

Discuss the segmentation variables you will consider to segment the market for a 150 cc premium motorcycle.

What are the three sub-environment of the business?

The three sub-environments of a business typically consist of the internal environment (within the organization itself), the task environment (specific external factors that directly affect the organization), and the general environment (broader societal influences impacting the business). Each sub-environment plays a crucial role in shaping a company's operations and strategic decisions.

What are the variables of the micro-environment?

mission, vision and organisational structure

Task environment is also called?

Market environment