The numbers that we now use today are called Hindu-Arabic numerals in the form of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9
The two numbers used to find a difference are actually called the minuend and the subtrahend, although those terms are very antiquated.
This is because the numbers we use today come from Hinduism.
You can use prime numbers to factorize numbers, a very useful tool
Probably because it is in science that very large and small numbers are used, which made the use of this notation convenient.Probably because it is in science that very large and small numbers are used, which made the use of this notation convenient.Probably because it is in science that very large and small numbers are used, which made the use of this notation convenient.Probably because it is in science that very large and small numbers are used, which made the use of this notation convenient.
They are called an octet.
The two numbers used to find a difference are actually called the minuend and the subtrahend, although those terms are very antiquated.
This is because the numbers we use today come from Hinduism.
The numbers we use today
they use a a very usefull advanced program called facebook
When working with very large numbers or very small numbers and they would use a system of numeracy known as scientific notation.
The ancient Egyptian number system is no longer in use.
Scientists use scientific notation to compute very large or very small numbers.
To compute very large or very small numbers.
there money they use today is called euro
It separates the numbers
You can use prime numbers to factorize numbers, a very useful tool