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distance=rate(or speed)x time (d=rt)

ex: Going at a pace of 5 mi per hour (rate) for 3 hours (time), you will go 15mi(distance).

You can also write the formula as r=d/t or t=d/r

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Q: What are the ways to write a distance formula?
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What is the distance formula dervived from?

A distance formula is derived from a metric that is defined over the relevant space. There are many different ways of defining a metric.A simple one is sometimes called the taxi cab or Manhattan metric. In a grid environment, the distance between two points is the sum of the North-South distance and the East-West distance.

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Pythagoras invented the distance formula

Finding distance given the average speed?

Use the formula: distance = time x speed.Use the formula: distance = time x speed.Use the formula: distance = time x speed.Use the formula: distance = time x speed.

How do you calculate the formula for distance?

== I'm pretty sure the formula for distance is: D== rt (Distance= rate x time) == The formula for distance is: speed x time.

What is the formula of distance?

It is the same as the distance formula. DISTANCE FORMULA: d=square root of (x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2

What formula do you use in science to find the distance?

In science, you can calculate distance using the formula: distance = speed Γ— time. This formula relates the distance traveled by an object to its speed and the time it takes to travel that distance.

What are the three ways to write speed equation to find the time distance and speed?

The basic definition of speed is: speed = distance / time Solve this equation for distance, or solve it for time, to get two additional versions of the equation.

What is the formula for distance in a science problem?

The Formula for distance is SPEED X TIME