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all multiples of pi. pi, 2 pi, - pi, -2 pi and so on...

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Q: What are the x-intercepts of unit circle in sin?
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Find the value of sin 300 degrees?

sin 300 = -sin 60 = -sqrt(3)/2 you can get this because using the unit circle.

Why does x equal 0 when finding the sin of 90 degrees?

On the unit circle sin(90) degrees is at Y = 1 and as that is on the Y axis X will equal = 0. Ask yourself. Where would 90 degrees be on a 360 degree circle? Straight up.

Can the unit circle have a radius of 2 unit?

If the radius is two. it won't be a unit circle, a unit circle is defined as a circle with radius one.

Coordinates of the points in Unit circle?

The points (x, y) of the unit circle are those that satisfy: x2 + y2 = 1 or in parametric form: x = cos t y = sin t as t varies from 0 to 2{pi} radians (= 360o)

How does the unit circle relate to sin cos and tan?

Sine: the y-coordinate. Cosine: the x-coordinate. Tangent: the ratio of the two (y/x).

What is unit circle?

The unit circle is a circle with its center at the origin and a radius of ' 1 '.

How many units in a unit circle?

A unit circle is a circle with radius equal to one.

How sine is the y coordinate of a unit circle?

Sine is NOT the y coordinate: it is the sine of the angle made by the x-axis and the radius from a point on the circle. It is the cosine of the angle made with the y-axis.Consider any point, P, on the unit circle with coordinates (x, y). And let Q be the foot of the perpendicular from P to the x-axis. Then y = PQ.Now, in the right angled triangle OPQ, if OP makes an angle theta with the x axis, then sin(theta) = PQ/OP = y/OP and since OP is the radius of a unit circle, OP = 1 so that sin(theta) = y.

Who made the unit circle?

It is unknown who created the unit circle. Pythagoras did a lot of work related to the unit circle. In ancient times, Greek, Indian, and Arabian mathematicians used the unit circle.

Why is the unit circle called two pi?

A unit circle is not normally called 2 pi. Because the radius length measure of the unit circle is 1 unit, then the circumference of a unit circle is 2*pi, and its area is pi.

What is the unit circle?

The unit circle is a circle that can be used to find trigonometric functions. The equation of the unit circle is x^2 + y^2 = 1. So it is any circle with radius 1.

What kind of unit does a circle have?

A circle can have a unit of length which could be either a measure of its diameter or radius, or of its circumference. Or the circle could have the unit of area.