

What are theoretical events?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: What are theoretical events?
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What is the similarities in theoretical and empirical probabilitys?

They are both measures of the likelihood of events.

What are the similarities of a theoretical and empirical probabilities?

They are both measures of the likelihood of specified events.

What are the similarities of theoretical and empirical probability?

They are both measures of the likelihood of events whose outcome is not normally known.

How are experimental probability and theoretical proability alike?

Both are measures of the likelihood of events whose outcome is uncertain.

What does it mean when all the theoretical probabilities are the same?

All that it means is that you have chosen to divide up the event space into events that are equally likely.

Is a tree diagram a experimental or theoretical probability?

Neither. A tree diagram is usually constructed from some information about the probability of various outcomes. That information may be experimental (empiracal) or theoretical or even a mixture of the two for the different sub-events.

How do use the word theoretical in a sentence?

Theoretical physics explores concepts that are not yet proven by experimentation.

Who invented frequency distribution?

Nobody invented frequency distribution. Events happen, as is the nature of events. Some events can have different outcomes and a frequency distribution is simply the proportion of times that these different outcomes happen (empirical freq distrib) or are expected to happen based on scientific laws (theoretical freq distrib).

What is the definitions of a theoretical probability?

To me, the theoretical probability is what is termed the classical probability. This says the probability is the number of ways an event can occur divided by the number of possible events. Forexample, flip a coin. The theoretical probability for heads is 1/2. However, flip a coin 10 times and you will probably not get 5/10 (or 1/2). Doing the actual experiment to determine the probability is called relative frequency approximation.

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Your accusations are purely theoretical.

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What is the meaning of theoretical?

Theoretical: pertaining to, or consisting in theory