fingers, oceans,five senses, & your toes.
5 points on a star A < > V
A group of twelve things is called a dozen.
Multiplication facts is when you put things into group and you count how many are in all. Example: 5 x 5=25 i put it in five groups and five in each group
Oh, dude, like so many things come in groups of 8! You've got octopuses with their eight tentacles, eight planets in our solar system (sorry, Pluto), and even a standard pack of hot dogs usually comes in a group of 8. So yeah, 8 is definitely a popular number in the world of grouping things.
the5 senses, oceans, fingers, toes
nanana come on come i like it like it
anything that its sale price is "3 for a $1"
A quintet.
Technetium is placed in the group 7 (manganese group) of the periodic table.
Football teams, soccer teams, pipers piping
Wonders of the world Deady Sins Days in a week
rice, cereal, bread, toast, and crackers
five fingers on one hand
hexagon,sides of dice,and strings on a guitar
fingers, oceans,five senses, & your toes.