No three odd numbers can add up to an even number.
No even numbers add up to 9. The sum of even numbers is always an even number.
No three odd numbers can add up to an even number.
There is no answer. Two odd numbers add up to an even number, and adding an odd number to an even number produces an odd number. Therefore three odd numbers cannot add up to an even number.
98, 100, 102
No even numbers add up to 9. The sum of even numbers is always an even number.
They are: 48+50+52 = 150
You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).You add the numbers. Then you divide by the number of numbers (i.e., if you have three numbers, you divide the sum by 3).
The sum of three odd numbers is odd but 270 is even, therefore there are no three odd numbers that add to 270. Similarly the product of two of more odd numbers is odd but 270 is even, therefore there are no three odd numbers that multiply together to get 270.
Sure! Three addition facts that have sums that are odd numbers are: 1+1=2 (even), 2+1=3 (odd), 3+3=6 (even).