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food, water, habitat, and shelter

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Q: What are three or four most important factors required to sustain a population?
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Related questions

What are the three most important factors required to sustain a population?

health peace/security food clothing shelter

Do limiting factors control the size of a habitat?

Yes, limiting factors such as food availability, water supply, shelter, predation, and competition can influence the size of a habitat by determining the carrying capacity for a particular species. These factors regulate population growth and density, impacting the overall size of the habitat that can sustain a population.

Is there a minimum income required to qualify for an income protection insurance?

Yes, a minimum income is required. Companies would not be able to offer protection to someone that cannot sustain monthly payments. Also credit is important.

What factors limit the growth of population?

Factors that limit population growth include limited resources such as food and water, environmental factors like disease and natural disasters, competition for resources, and the availability of space for individuals to live in. Additionally, social factors such as access to education and healthcare, cultural norms regarding family size, and government policies can also impact population growth.

What is the definition of the word sustain?

To sustain, means to survive the environment. Sustaining is very important for evolution.

What might be a consequence of unlimited human population growth?

Potential consequences of unlimited human population growth include depletion of natural resources, strain on infrastructure and services, increased pollution and environmental degradation, and competition for limited space and food resources. These factors can lead to social, economic, and environmental challenges for society.

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What percentage of oxygen is required to sustain a fire?

Around 16% oxygen is required to sustain a fire. This level is often referred to as the "minimum oxygen concentration for combustion." Fires can be extinguished by reducing the oxygen level below this threshold.

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to sustain the combustion and reduce losses...

Why is sustaining the future important?

it is dump to sustain the environment

What is carrying capacity of the petri dish?

The carrying capacity of a petri dish refers to the maximum population size that the dish can sustain for a particular species of organism. It is influenced by factors such as nutrient availability, space, and competition among organisms. When the population exceeds the carrying capacity, resources become limited, leading to a decline in population size.

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to sustain the combustion and reduce losses...