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Q: What are three types of frequency distributions?
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Related questions

Frequency and cumulative frequency are two types of what?

Frequency and cumulative frequency are two types of frequency distributions. These are frequency tables that show statistical data for different types of frequencies that include absolute, relative, and cumulative frequencies. There are mathematical formulas used to calculate these frequencies.

Can frequency distributions contain more than ten observations?


Why are open-ended frequency distributions necessary?

to quickly and effectively represent data

What are the three frequency distributions and when should each be used?

There are many frequency distributions: Uniform, Binomial, Multinomial, Poisson, Gaussian, Chi-square, Student's t, Fisher's F, Beta, Gamma, Lognormal, Logistic to name some off the top of my head. And I am sure I've missed many more. You need to specify which ones you are interested in. Forgot the Exponential.

What are the 3 types of timbre?

The three types of timbre are bright (high-frequency emphasis), dark (low-frequency emphasis), and flat (balanced frequency distribution). Timbre refers to the unique quality of sound produced by different instruments or voices.

What are some benefits of representing data sets using frequency distributions?

Organizing the data into a frequency distribution can make patterns within the data more evident.

What are the three types of adverbs?

actually, there are 4 types of adverb.1. adverb of manner2. adverb of time3. adverb of place4. adverb of frequency

What is gaussian frequency curve?

The Gaussian curve is the Normal distributoin curve, the commonest (and most studied) of statistical distributions.

What are the different types of frequency distribution?

There are several tens of families of distributions. Some of these are: Uniform discrete Binomial Geometric Hypergeometric Poisson Random Uniform continuous Gaussian (Normal) Exponential Student's t Fisher F Chi-squared Gamma Weibull Beta Log-normal In addition, there are distributions that are associated with a particular scenario or test statistic.

What are the advantages of using a frequency distribution?

Frequency distributions can: C condense and summarize large amounts of data in a useful format C describe all variable types C facilitate graphic presentation of data C begin to identify population characteristics C permit cautious comparison of data sets

Do radio waves visible light and x-rays have same frequency in vacuum?

No. The radio waves has got the lowest frequency, light waves has got in between frequency and the X-rays has got the highest frequency of the three types of waves.No.

What is the difference of finding average from raw data and from frequency distribution?

Finding the average from the raw data requires a lot more calculations. By using frequency distributions you reduce the number of calculations.