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Q: What are two common multiples of three and four?
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What are multiples of two three four five and six?

They are multiples of 60.

What is the two common multiples of 3 and 5?

The two common multiples of three and five are: 15 and 30 ^-^

What is the common mulitiples for 4?

The common multiples of four start with the lowest common multiple. One times four is four. From there multiply four by two to get another multiple, eight. Other common multiples include 12,16,24,36,40,44, and 48.

What are two common multiples of four and seven?

693, 924.

What are the common three multiples of two three and five?


What are the least common multiples of two three and five?

The LCM is: 30

What are the 1st four multiples of 1?

They are: one, two, three, four!

How do you obtain the set of multiples of its given number?

Multiply it by two, then by three, then by four, and keep going until you have enough multiples.

What are the First floor common multiples of two and four?

4, 8, 12, 16

What are the multiples of both 2 and 3?

Two and three are relatively prime, or coprime. That means that they have no smaller number, or factor, in common. So, the multiples of both numbers are the multiples of the product of the two, or the multiples of six.

What are the next two common multiples?

Twice and three times as much as the previous common multiple respectively

Are the multiples of four also the multiples of two?
